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Friday, April 15, 2011

Coolest Words: A Work in Progress

Coolest Words, Alphabetized (1,449)

Abacaxi: a large, sweet pineapple grown especially in Brazil
Abacination: type of torture, blinding the victim with a heated metal plate
Abacus: frame with rows of grooves along which beads are slid, used for calculating
Abecedarian: one who teaches or studies the alphabet; one who is just learning, beginner
Absinthe: wormwood liquor of a bright-green color
Abyss: immeasurably deep chasm, depth, or void; abode of evil spirits, hell
Acciaccatura: grace note, an embellishing note usually written in smaller size
Accismus: rhetoric term, affected or false refusal when the item in question is actually wanted
Acedia: ennui, state of torpor of listlessness; spiritual apathy
Acerbic: sharp or biting in character; sour or bitter in taste; caustic
Acervuline: aggregated, heaped up, bundled, collected or localized
Acherontic: infernal or fiery; gloomy, dismal; moribund
Acolyte: ranked clergy member; assistant in liturgical rites
Acroamatic: communicated orally, oral; applied to the teachings of Aristotle
Acropolis: fortified height or citadel; raised area holding a building or cluster of buildings
Acumen: quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight; wisdom, savvy
Adjudicate: to pronounce, hear, and settle; to decree by judicial sentence
Adumbrate: to explain faintly or opaquely outline; describe
Aegis: auspices, kindly endorsement and guidance; a type of shield
Aeipathy: continued passion; unyielding disease
Aeneous: brassy; a type of golden-green
Aeolian: pertaining to, of, related to, caused by or like the wind or Aeolus
Aeonian: continuing forever, eternal
Aerobic: depending on free oxygen or air; designating or involving exercise
Aerolith: a specific type of meteorite; meteorite
Aeronautical: of or relating to aeronauts or aeronautics
Aerugo: verdigris, metallic rust, particularly of brass or copper
Aesthetic: having a sense of the beautiful; pertaining to a sense of the beautiful
Aeviternal: eternal, endless, never-ending
Afflatus: strong creative impulse, especially as a result of divine inspiration; inspiration
Agathokakological: composed of both good and evil elements
Agglutinate: to unite as if by adhesive; heap together, string together, clump together; unify
Agnosticism: religion positing that any ultimate reality is unknown and likely unknowable
Agoraphobia: abnormal fear of open or public places
Agrarian: relating to rural matters; pertaining to cultivation, ownership and agriculture
Ahimsa: the doctrine of refraining from the harming of others or the taking of life
Aileron: small moveable platforms on the back of plane wings that alter air movements
Aitch: the letter “H”, the phonetic representation thereof
Akimbo: having the hand or hands on the hip(s) and the elbow(s) turned outward
Alabaster: dense translucent, white or tinted, fine-grained gypsum
Albatross: large, web-footed, gull-like seabird
Albedo: physics term, the ratio of reflected to incident light
Alcatote: foolish oaf, silly elf, witless person
Alchemy: ancient or arcane chemistry; science of elements made to elicit effects
Alembic: anything that refines, purifies, or transmutes; alchemical beaker
Alkahest: hypothetical universal solvent sought by the alchemists; azoth
Allegretto: music term, moderately fast tempo
Alluvium: unconsolidated sediments carried by water
Altazimuth: mount for astronomical telescopes that shows horizontal and vertical rotation
Amalgamation: consolidation, agglutination, integration, union, fusion
Amanuensis: a secretary; one who is employed to take dictation or to copy manuscript
Amaranth: deep-hued purple; type of purple flower; used as a metaphor for immortality
Ambidextrous: able to use both hands equally well; unusually skillful
Ambience: atmosphere; a particular environment or surrounding influence; aura
Ambivalence: simultaneous, conflicted feelings towards a thing, person, etc.
Ambrosia: the food of the gods; something overpoweringly delicious or fragrant
Amethyst: deep purple; deep-purple gemstone
Ampersand: the symbol (&) representing the word “and”
Amphigory: meaningless or senseless work of writing, especially one planned as a parody
Amphisbaena: Greek mythological being, a two-headed snake with a head on each end
Amphora: ceramic, two-handled vase with a narrow neck, usually containing alcohol
Anabibazon: a node of the moon’s orbit
Anachronism: chronological displacement of persons, events, objects, or customs
Anacoluthon: rhetoric term, abrupt shift in a sentence to another construction conflicting with the first
Analemma: sundial; figure-8 indicating sun’s declination
Anaptyxis: the insertion of an extra vowel in a body of a word ex. “athalete”
Anathema: malison, strong curse; that which one vehemently despises
Ancillary: auxiliary, not prioritized; of secondary importance, secondary, subordinate
Anent: regarding, concerning, pertaining to, involving
Angstrom: metric unit of length equal to one ten billionth of a meter (or 0.0001 micron)
Animadversion: adverse criticism prompted by a degree of hostility
Annihilate: to destroy completely, eliminate, kill in large numbers, obliterate
Anon: at another time, later; immediately, at once
Anschauung: phil. term, intuition or perception of sense-data with little or no rational interpretation
Antanaclasis: stylistic trope of repeating a word, but with a different meaning each time
Antebellum: before or existing before a war, especially the American civil war
Antediluvian: antiquated, extremely old, old-aged
Anthracite: glossy, hard coal which burns with a nearly smokeless flame
Anthropomorphic: described or thought of as having a human form or human attributes
Antipathy: strong feeling of aversion or repugnance, enmity, animosity
Anxiolytic: preventing or reducing anxiety; anti-anxiety medication; tranquilizer
Aperitif: alcoholic drink taken as an appetizer before a meal
Aperture: opening, such as a hole, gap, or slit; opening part of a camera
Aphelion: the point when the orbit of earth is furthest from the sun
Aphotic: devoid of light, especially of areas where no light naturally occurs
Apocryphal: of questionable authorship or authenticity; erroneous; fictitious
Apollonian: serene, calm, or well-balanced; poised and disciplined; pertaining to Apollo
Apophenia: the perception of or belief in connectedness among unrelated phenomena
Apoplexy: a stroke; impairment or neuralgia from cerebral hemorrhage
Aposiopesis: abrupt stop of a thought in a sentence, as if the speaker could not continue
Apostasy: abandonment of one's religious faith, political party, one's principles, or a cause
Apostolicity: being of or contemporary with the Apostles in character
Apothecary: place which prepares and/or sells drugs and other medicine; pharmacy
Apothegm: terse, witty, and/or instructive saying, aphorism; generally accepted truth; maxim
Apotheosis: deification, quintessence, exaltation to divine rank or stature
Appendix: additional material referenced at the end of a book or another text
Apteryx: genus of flightless birds
Aquarelle: painting done in transparent watercolors; watercolor; watercolor painting
Arabesque: a ballet twirl; type of artistry involving a continuous, rotating design
Arbalest: medieval missile launcher designed on the crossbow; large crossbow
Arbitrary: determined by chance, whim, or impulse; not by necessity, reason, or principle
Arboretum: land or observatory on which many different trees or shrubs are grown for study or display
Archetype: original model or type after which similar things are patterned; prototype
Archipelago: landform which consists of a chain or cluster of islands
Argyle: knitting pattern of varicolored, diamond-shaped areas on a solid background
Arithmetic: branch of math dealing with the properties and manipulation of numbers
Arpeggio: notes of a chord played in succession, either ascending or descending
Artemisia: type of plant, genus of aromatic shrubs or herbs
Asterisk: (*) used to indicate an omission, reference, a word, sound, or affix
Asteroid: small, irregularly-shaped rocky bodies that orbit the Sun; shaped like a star
Astrobleme: scar on the earth's surface left from the impact of a meteorite; crater
Ataraxy: calmness of the mind and emotions; tranquility; state of tranquilization
Ataxia: loss of the ability to coordinate muscular movement; failure of coordination
Athanasy: quality of being deathless; immortality
Athenaeum: institution for the promotion of literary or scientific learning; phrontistery
Aura: distinctive and pervasive quality or character; air, atmosphere; emanation
Automaton: self-operating machine or mechanism, especially a robot
Autumnal: pertaining to, like, relating, or evocative of autumn
Avalanche: fall or slide of a large mass of snow or rock; overwhelming amount; flood
Aviatrix: a female aviator; a female pilot
Awakening: rousing, quickening; act of waking from sleep; revival of interest or attention
Axolotl: specific member of a genus of salamanders
Azimuth: horizontal angular distance from a reference direction
Azoth: mythologized universal solvent; panacea
Baccalaureate: bachelor’s degree; valedictory speech
Bacchanalia: riotous, boisterous, or drunken festivity; orgy; drunken feast
Bacchante: carousing woman; priestess or woman votary of Bacchus, female bacchant
Badinage: playful or frivolous repartee or banter; cheeky back-and-forth speech
Bailiwick: person's area of interest, skill, or authority; special domain; bailiff’s office
Balatron: buffoon, clown, jackanapes, joker
Balistraria: arrow-slit, narrow opening through which arrows might be discharged
Ballast: heavy material specially set to improve strength and control; bed of coarse gravel
Balustrade: architecture, series of balusters or parapets
Banderilla: a decorated dart that is shot into the neck of the bull during a bull fight
Barathea: soft fabric of silk and cotton; silk and wool, or all wool
Barathrum: a bottomless pit, hole, or abyss, Hell
Bardiglio: finely-grained, multi-gray Italian marble
Baroque: of, relating to, or like of a style in art and architecture of a time
Basilica: large, public building used by the Romans, usually as a courtroom or meeting hall
Basilisk: legendary serpent with lethal breath and glance, usually turning its prey to stone
Bayonet: blade adapted to fit the muzzle-end of a rifle and as a weapon in close combat
Bdelygmia: a litany of abuse; a series of critical epithets, descriptions, or attributes
Behemoth: something of enormous size and power; huge animal, machine, or creature
Belabor: to attack, strike; to explain or insist on excessively; scold
Bellicose: inclined or eager to fight; aggressively hostile, belligerent, pugnacious
Bellwether: leader or indicator of future trends, trendsetter
Belvedere: roofed structure, on top of another building, which commands a large view
Benthos: the bottom of a body of water, the living things at the bottom of a water body
Berceuse: lullaby, song used to put someone to sleep
Bersatrix: babysitter, maternal caretaker
Bethesda: a hallowed, sanctified, or holy place; a chapel; holy ground
Betwixt: between, in an intermediate position
Bezaleel: the shadow of God, God’s shadow
Bibliophile: someone who loves (and usually collects) books; book collector
Bijouterie: pl. trinkets or jewelry, gallery thereof, display thereof
Bildungsroman: coming-of-age novel, movie, or story
Bivouac: temporary military or squad encampment
Blatherskite: babbling, foolish person, person given to voluble, senseless talk
Blellum: an idle, indiscreet talker, noisy fainéant; informant
Blitzkrieg: swift, sudden military offensive; swift, decisive strike
Blunderbuss: insensitive, blundering person; short musket of wide bore and flared muzzle
Boeotian: marked by stupidity and philistinism; crudely obtuse, loutish
Bolster: to support and strengthen; structural part used to support and strengthen
Borasca: a squall, usually accompanied by thunder and lightning
Boulevard: broad street, avenue; broad spectrum of something
Bouleversement: reversal of fortunes; overturning of something; tumult
Bourgeoisie: the middle class; the middle class in Communist theory
Braggadocio: arrogant person, braggart; arrogant or boastful behavior
Bravura: music term, brilliant technique or style in performance, piece requiring high skill
Brecciate: to form rock into breccia (rocks made of sharp fragments set in a grainy matrix)
Breviloquence: speech characterized by brevity; shortness, briefness
Bricolage: something made or put together using any materials that happen are available
Brontide: a sound like distant thunder, can be due to seismic causes
Brummagem: cheap and showy, meretricious, gaudy, tawdry; ersatz, second-rate
Brumous: pertaining or relating to winter; foggy, misty, dull and sunless, cold
Brusque: abrupt and curt in manner or speech; discourteously blunt
Bruxer: one who suffers habitual, involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth
Bulwark: wall of material built for defense, rampart; protection from external danger
Burnish: to polish; the shine of a polished surface
Caballero: skilled horseman, cavalier; gentleman
Cacafuego: swaggering braggart or boaster; spitfire, firebrand
Cachinnation: act of laughing hard, loudly or convulsively; guffawing, cackling
Cacoethes: uncontrollable urge or desire, especially for something harmful; mania; addiction
Cacography: bad or illegible handwriting or penmanship
Cadaver: corpse, specifically one dressed for a procedure
Cadenza: musical or literary improvisation
Calamity: great misfortune, misery, disaster, an event which causes such
Calcaneus: the heel bone
Calibrate: to check, adjust, or determine by comparison with a standard
Calico: coarse, brightly printed cloth; a type of pattern
Caliginous: misty, dim, obscure, dark, gloomy, tenebrous
Calliope: musical instrument fitted with steam whistles, played from a keyboard
Callipygian: having a beautiful, admirable, or sexy butt
Calypso: rare orchid; a tribal and fervid dance
Camouflage: actions or devices intended to disguise or mislead, usually natural
Cancrizans: backwards movement; crab walking; music moving backwards
Candelabra: pl. branched candlestick with several candles
Carapace: bony or chitinous case or shield covering the back of an animal or creature
Carcinogen: an agent or substance that causes cancer
Caricature: expression or interpretation of exaggerated details or quirks of something
Carmagnole: short jacket with wide lapels; spirited dance to a particular song
Cartesian: of or relating to the philosophy of Descartes
Cashielaws: old Scottish instrument of torture, consisting of a heated iron case for the leg
Castanet: small, percussion instruments made of hard material which are clicked together
Catachresis: inappropriate use of one word for another; malapropism
Cataclysm: violent upheaval that causes great destruction or brings about a vital change
Catacombs: pl. vault, tomb, crypt, ossuary, often labyrinthine
Catafalque: decorated platform or framework on which a coffin rests
Catalexis: poetic term, absence of one or more syllables in a line of verse, especially in the last foot
Catalyst: that which affects or inspires activity in something without being affected itself
Cataphract: suit of armor for a man and horse
Cataract: large or tall waterfall; a deluge; opacity of the lens or capsule of the eye
Catatonia: condition typified by stupor, stereotypy, mania, and/or rigidity of the limbs
Catharsis: purgation; emotional purification; relieving of emotional tensions
Cathedral: large, presiding, and/or important church; emanating from a chair of authority
Cathismata: pl. one of the 20 divisions in a Greek Psalter
Cathode: negative-charged electrode being the source of electrons entering a device
Catholicon: a supposed medicine to cure all diseases, panacea
Causerie: informal discussion or chat; short conversational piece of writing or criticism
Cauterize: to burn or sear with a caustic brand, usually for medical purposes
Cavalcade: a procession of riders or carriages; a procession of vehicle of ships
Cavalier: given to haughty disregard of others; gallant or courtly gentleman
Caveat: admonition, caution; warning against certain acts; formal notice of warning
Cavil: to object or criticize adversely for trivial reasons; flimsy objection or qualm
Celeripedean: quick-footed, swift, fast-running
Celestial: heavenly, of a higher plane, empyreal; of or pertaining to space
Cenobite: member of a convent or other religious community; cloistered or reclusive person
Cenotaph: an unmarked grave
Centurion: commander of a century (100 soldiers); high-ranking official or leader
Cerebellum: part of the brain that regulates coordination and voluntary muscle movement
Cerumen: yellow, wax-like secretion from the external ears, “earwax”
Chagrin: disquietude or distress of mind caused by humiliation, disappointment, or failure
Chantpleure: to cry while singing; to cry and sing simultaneously
Chaos: lack of order; condition or place of disorder or confusion; riotous mass, a jumble
Charisma: personal attractiveness or interestingness that enables you to influence others
Chatoyant: like or resembling a cat’s eye
Chevelure: head of hair, tresses; hair on the head; a nebulous envelop (as around a comet)
Chiaroscuro: art term, composition of strong contrasts in light and dark
Chiasmus: rhetoric term, an inverse sentence, “One should eat to live, not live to eat”
Chicanery: trickery, buffoonery; deception by artful subterfuge or sophistry, deception
Chimerical: created by or as if by a wildly fanciful imagination; highly improbable, absurd
Chiropteran: pertaining to bats, mammalian order
Chitinous: of or resembling chitin; having a carapace or protective shell of chitin
Chondrule: small, round granule of outer space origin seen embedded in some meteorites
Choreography: the art of creating and arranging dances or ballets
Chrematistic: of, relating to, or occupied in the gaining of wealth
Chrysoberyl: a rare hard yellow green mineral, used as a gemstone
Chthonic: of or relating to the underworld, stygian, infernal
Ciborium: vessel; receptacle for the Blessed Sacrament; consecrated wafers for a religious rite
Cicatrix: deep, permanent scar resultant of serious injury
Cinnabar: bright red, glowing red
Cinquefoil: five-leaved; plant with limbs that are five-leaved; five-pointed leaves
Circadian: relating to or exhibiting approximately 24-hour periodicity
Circuitous: having a circular or winding course; indirect; roundabout
Cislunar: of or relating to the space between earth and the moon or the moon’s orbit
Clairvoyant: having the “power” to envision things that can’t be perceived by the senses
Claque: group of fawning admirers; group of persons hired to applaud at a performance
Clarion: medieval trumpet with clear shrill tones; clear and shrill; loud burst of sound
Claviger: one that keeps or has the keys; custodian; warden
Clavilux: machine that generates light via music
Clepsydra: device that measured time by marking regulated flow of water via an opening
Clerisy: the well-educated or learned class; intelligentsia; cognoscenti
Climax: highest or most intense point in the making or resolution of something; summit
Clinquant: glittering as gold; glittering with tinsel; showily ornate or ostentatious
Clithridiate: keyhole-shaped; resembling a keyhole
Cloister: monastatic establishment; convent of living
Cnidarian: any invertebrate animal, as a hydra, jellyfish, sea anemone, or coral
Coalesce: to fuse, intersect, or entwine to create a unity; to unify by an external means
Coccyx: the end of the vertebral column in humans and tailless apes
Cochlear: of or relating to the cochlea of the ear
Codicil: addendum, supplement, appendix, or revision to a will; a supplement or appendix
Coelacanth: a prehistoric fish, initially thought to be extinct
Coercion: the act of coercing; the use of pressure, threats, blackmail, or intimidation
Coeval: of the same age, date, or duration; equally old; lasting through the same era
Cognomen: familial name; surname, especially a third name
Cognoscente: person who has expert or superior knowledge in a subject; connoisseur
Cognoscitive: having the power of knowing; having the ability to know or discover
Colcothar: brownish-red oxide of iron
Collectanea: selection of pieces of writing by an author or by several authors
Colliquate: to change from solid to liquid; to liquefy
Colloquial: informal, as in speech; conversationally informal
Colophon: inscription at the end of a book; an identifying emblem for a book
Coloratura: elaborate or technical vocal music with florid ornamentation
Colossus: huge statue; something likened to a huge statue, as in size or importance
Colporteur: book merchant; bible salesman; salesman of religious tracts
Comatose: of, relating to, or affected with coma; unconscious; marked by lethargy, torpid
Concatenate: to link together; to unite in a series or chain
Conchitic: composed of shells, containing many shells
Concinnity: harmony in the arrangement or fitness of parts with respect to a whole
Concomitant: phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something; concurrent
Concourse: large open space for the gathering or passage of crowds; broad thoroughfare
Concrescence: growing together of related parts; the amassing of physical particles
Conduit: means by which something is transmitted; channel for conveying fluids
Conflagration: large destructive fire, holocaust, inferno
Congelifraction: splitting or disintegration of rocks as a result of the freezing of the water
Conjuration: the act or art of conjuring; magic spell or incantation; magic trick or effect
Conquistador: a conqueror, especially one of the 16th-century Spanish soldiers
Constellation: specific arrangement of stars to form an image
Contagion: disease that is or may be transmitted by direct or indirect contact; epidemic
Contextualize: to place or study in context; to make clear by establishing context
Continuum: coherent whole characterized as a collection, sequence, or progression
Contretemps: inopportune or embarrassing occurrence or situation; dispute, argument
Contusion: bruise; an injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration
Convalesce: to recover or recuperate; recover from a serious injury
Convivial: amicable, sociable; fond of feasting, drinking, and good company
Coquelicot: a type of plant, red poppy
Coracle: small rounded boat made of waterproof material stretched over a frame
Coriander: aromatic herb, herb used in a variety of perfumes
Corinthian: architecture term, pertaining to Corinth or its culture
Cormorant: large, aquatic bird; a greedy, rapacious person
Corpulent: of a bulky body; excessively heavy or fat, stout, portly
Corrigenda: error to be revised, especially a printer's error; list of errors with corrections
Cortical: of, relating to, derived from, or consisting of cortex
Coruscate: sparkle, reflect brightly, shine, shimmering
Cosmogony: astrophysical study of the origin and progress of the universe and its theories
Cosmogyral: whirling around the cosmos; traversing or spinning around the cosmos
Cosmonaut: a Russian or Soviet astronaut
Cosmopolitan: pertaining to the world at large, without localized prejudices
Coterie: tightly-knit group of persons having a common purpose or interest; cadre, clique
Coterminous: having the same or coincident boundaries; coextensive in range or scope
Coxcomb: conceited, self-impressed dandy; conceited fool; narcissistic person
Coxswain: captain, steersman; person who steers a ship's boat and has charge of its crew
Crambazzle: worn-out old man, curmudgeon, rabblerousing old-timer
Craquelure: fine pattern of dense cracking formed on the surface of paintings
Crepuscular: pertaining to the evening; of or resembling twilight; active at twilight
Criterion: standard, rule, or test on which a judgment or decision can be based
Cromlech: circle of monoliths or stones usually enclosing a dolmen (tomb) or mound
Crpytozoology: study or search of creatures whose existence has not been substantiated
Crucible: severe, searching test or trial; container to be used with metals at high heat
Crucifix: representation of the cross on which Jesus died
Cruciverbalist: one who is skillful in creating or solving crossword puzzles
Crwth: ancient Celtic musical instrument
Cryogenic: of or relating to low temperatures; requiring or suitable to cryogenic storage
Cumulonimbus: type of cloud that augurs, foretells, or indicates bad weather
Cunctipotent: all-powerful, omnipotent, endless in power
Cuneiform: wedge-shaped; a Sumerian language
Curvilinear: consisting of or bound by curved lines; represented by a curved line
Cuvette: a small, transparent, often tubular laboratory vessel
Cwm: a valley, dell, field, heath; to copulate with a ewe
Cygnet: a baby swan, young swan
Cynegetics: the art or arts related to hunting of animals, people, or things
Cynophilist: dog-lover; one who loves or appreciates dogs
Cynosure: that which garners great attention by calling to its brilliance; interest
Cyrenaic: pertaining to a philosophical tenet (that pleasure is the only good in life)
Cytherean: pertaining to beauty or the goddess, Aphrodite
Daemon: subordinate deity; guardian spirit; demon
Decollate: to behead, decapitate; remove or cut the head off of something
Decorticate: to remove the bark or outer covering from; husk
Decussate: shaped or resembling an X; to intersect, to cross or become crossed like an X
Dedimus: a writ giving a private person permission to act as a judge
Degringoladé: a rapid decline or deterioration, as in strength, position, or condition
Delenda: that which needs to be deleted; something that has been deleted
Deliquesce: to dissolve; transform into liquid from a solid
Delirium: state of mental disarray and unstable consciousness from intoxication or fever
Delitescent: hidden, concealed; kept secret
Demagogue: rabble-rouser, firebrand; one who appeals to emotions and prejudices
Demesne: a lord’s privately owned manor or section of land
Demigod: the offspring of a god and a mortal, usually gifted with exceptional powers
Demiurge: something conceived as an autonomous creative force or decisive power
Demi-vierge: a woman who behaves provocatively and permissively without giving up her sexual virginity
Dendrite: short fiber that conducts toward the cell body of the neuron; branch; branching
Denigrate: disparage, to attack the character or reputation of; speak ill of, defame
Denizen: inhabitant, resident; one that frequents a particular place, occupant
Denouement: final resolution or clarification of a dramatic or narrative plot
Desiccate: to dry up or cause to dry up; to deprive or exhaust of moisture
Desperado: bold or desperate outlaw or criminal; violent or reckless felon
Detritus: remnants of disintegration; vaporized or eroded matter; loose, leftover material; particles
Diablerie: dealing with the devil or devils; witchcraft, sorcery; consorting with demons
Diadem: crown worn as a sign of royalty; royal power or dignity; object worn as a crown
Diametric: of, relating to, or along a diameter; exactly opposite, contrary
Diaphanous: light, delicate, gossamer, translucent
Diaspora: dissemination, dispersion; random or selective re-distribution
Dichotomy: division into or of two usually contrary parts or opinions; division into or of two sects
Dilapidate: to bring or fall into a state of partial ruin, decay, or disrepair
Dilettante: one who dabbles in an occupation or hobby without serious intent
Dimension: measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length; extent, scope
Diocese: ecclesiastical district under the territorial jurisdiction of a bishop
Dionysian: wild, irrational, and undisciplined; of an ecstatic, orgiastic, or irrational nature
Dioscuric: describing a twin, whether person or event; of a twin, of a duplicate
Dirigible: an airship; vehicle or method of transportation using the air
Dirigisme: economic planning and control by the state
Discotheque: nightclub that features dancing to recorded or live music
Divisi: music term, divided, separated
Dogmatic: lacking tolerance, compliance, or breadth of view, forcibly assertive
Doldrums: a spell or state of listlessness or despondency; blues, sadness; period of ennui
Dolorifuge: something that banishes or mitigates grief; an escape or remedy to despair
Doppelganger: double of a living person, especially one that haunts its counterpart
Dowry: natural gift, endowment, talent, money or property given to a bride’s husband
Drachma: the primary unit of currency in Greece before the adoption of the euro
Draconian: exceedingly harsh, severe, dogmatic, or rigorous; marked by cruelty or severity
Dragoon: to compel by coercion, threats, or crude means; armed soldier or cavalry
Dramaturgy: devices used in writing plays to distinguish plays from other literary forms
Drepaniform: hooked, curved, or shaped like a sickle; falcate, falciform
Drogulus: a presence with no evidence whatsoever of its presence; thing-in-itself
Dulcimer: stringed instrument having three or four strings and a fretted fingerboard
Duumvirate: two people holding the same office; two people working in conjunction; duo
Dynamitard: one that uses dynamite for anarchistic or other political acts of violence
Dyslexia: disorder in which lexical figures are perceived in a chaotic order
Dyspeptic: having a morose disposition; relating to dyspepsia; irritable
Ecclesiastical: of or pertaining to the church or the clergy; churchly; clerical
Echolalia: immediate and involuntary repetition of words or phrases just spoken by others
Echt: not fake or counterfeit; real, genuine; authentic, legitimate
Eclipsareon: a device for illustrating and demonstrating eclipses
Ectocanthion: point at which the outer ends of the upper and lower eyelids meet
Ectoplasm: mystical, viscous substance that exudes from the body of a medium
Ecumenical: of worldwide scope or suitability; universal; relating to the Christian church
Ecumenopolis: one city comprising the world that is held to be a prospect of the future
Edifice: large building or construct; complex set of beliefs
Effervesce: to bubble over; to boil with frothy bubbles; to excite
Effluvium: foul discharge or emanation; emission
Efflux: something that flows out or forth; effluence; passing or expiration, as of time
Eftsoons: soon afterward; immediately
Egregious: flagrant, conspicuously bad or offensive; glaring; outrageously bad
Eiderdown: down of a duck used as stuffing for quilts or pillows
Eidetic: of, relating to, or marked by extremely detailed and vivid recall of visual images
Eidolon: ghost, specter, revenant; reappearing, continuously visiting or persisting image
Eidos: formal content of the mental or intellectual makeup of a culture or social group
Eldritch: strange or unearthly; eerie or aberrant; terrifying; alien
Electrum: a pale yellow alloy of silver and gold
Eleemosynary: of, relating to, or dependent on charity; contributed as an act of charity
Elegiac: resembling or characteristic of or appropriate to an elegy; triste, sad, mournful
Elenchus: logical refutation by proving the opposite, argument thereof
Elision: omission of a vowel, consonant, or syllable in pronunciation
Elixir: solution of alcohol and water; substance believed to maintain life indefinitely
Elliptical: of, relating to, or having the shape of an ellipse; with a word or words omitted
Elysian: blissful, delightful; pertaining to the Elysian Fields or Elysium
Elysium: section of the underworld; resting place of heroes and the virtuous
Emaciate: to make abnormally thin or weak, typically due to illness
Embarcadero: a landing place, especially a landing place on an island waterway
Embargo: prohibition; a prevention of commerce; government-imposed trade barrier
Embryo: an organism in its early stages of development
Emerald: deep, dark green
Emeritus: retired from active service, usually for age, but retaining one's rank or title
Emissary: an agent sent on a mission to represent or advance the interests of another
Empirical: derived from or guided by experience or experimentation, as opposed to theory
Empyreal: related to the empyrean, celestial
Enamel: vitreous, usually opaque, protective or decorative coating or shell
Enceinte: pregnant, carrying a baby, gravid; line of fortification enclosing a town or castle
Encomium: eulogy; warm, glowing praise; formal expression of praise as a tribute
Engastrimyth: ventriloquist; manipulator of vocalizations and props as entertainment
Enigma: person, thing, or situation that is mysterious, puzzling, or ambiguous
Ennui: listlessness, weariness, discontent
Ensiform: sword-shaped; shaped like or resembling a sword
Entelechy: actuality; fully realized essence; actuality opposed to potentiality
Enterprise: undertaking, especially one of risk or complication; business organization
Entropy: the quantitative measure of disorder in a system
Envenomate: to poison; to put poison in or into something
Epicacracy: Schadenfreude; sadism, pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others
Epicurean: hedonistic; gastronomical; pertaining to good taste
Epigone: inferior imitator; disciple; second-rate replica; counterfeit
Epileptic: pertaining to epilepsy; flickering rapidly, seizing
Epithelium: type of body tissue
Epizeuxis: rhetoric term, in which a word is repeated with vehemence or emphasis
Epoch: era; period marked by distinct character or reckoned from a fixed point or event
Epoxy: two-part adhesive that cures (dries) by chemical interaction between the two parts
Equestrian: of, relating to, or featuring horseback riding
Equilibrium: state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces
Equinox: an annual event wherein after the sun reaches a height, night and day occur simultaneously
Equipoise: equal distribution of weight or balance; balanced
Ersatz: being a usually artificial and inferior substitute or imitation; artificial, synthetic
Erubescent: becoming red, reddening; becoming ruddy
Erudite: characterized by great knowledge or insight; learned or scholarly
Escadrille: a small squadron, usually of six; a small team, typically of six airplanes
Escalade: the act of scaling a wall, usually with a ladder or rope
Escamotage: juggling; hand trickery, sleight of hand; legerdemain
Eschatology: philosophy or theology focused on the end of the world or analysis thereof
Eschew: to avoid, shun, dispense with, or abstain from
Esclavage: a necklace having several rows of chains, beads, or jewels
Escritoire: writing desk; desk designed for studies
Esculent: edible, able or safe to be eaten
Escutcheon: shield; shield on a coat of arms; ornamental or protective plate
Esker: long, winding ridge of gravel and other sediment left by melted ice from a stream
Esoterica: item or thing that is esoteric, obscure, rare, or valuable
Espionage: act or practice of spying or of using spies to obtain secret information
Esssse: pl. archaic plural of ashes
Estuary: inlet or arm of the sea; an open river that connects to the sea
Esurient: hungry, greedy; hedonistic in the pursuit of things
Ethereal: heavenly; airy in substance; spectral; insubstantial and light
Etiolate: to stunt growth; deprive of strength; to whiten by blocking sunlight exposure
Eucalyptus: tall type of Australian tree
Eucrasia: a normal state of health, physical well-being
Eugenics: study of methods of improving genetic qualities by selective breeding
Eupeptic: cheerful, happy; having a good digestion; chipper
Euphoria: feeling of great happiness or well-being; felicity
Eutectic: of, relating to, or formed at the lowest temperature, as in a melting point
Evanescent: brief, transient, ephemeral
Eviscerate: to disembowel, exenterate; to remove the viscera of something
Excelsior: fine, curled wood shavings
Excogitate: to contemplate with diligence and care to obtain intuitive grasp thereof
Excoriate: to tear or wear off the skin of, abrade
Excruciate: to inflict severe pain on, torture; to agonize, intensify pain, or distress
Exegesis: critical explanation, analysis, or interpretation of a text or portion of a text
Exhilaration: liveliness, high spirits, elation; state of stimulation
Exigent: needing immediate action, urgent; requiring much effort or expense, demanding
Exiguous: excessively scanty, meager; inadequate
Existential: of, relating to, or dealing with existence; pertaining to existentialism
Exodus: a going out; departure or emigration, usually of a large number of people
Exorbitant: greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation, excessive; expensive
Exoskeleton: external supportive or protective structure or framework, often of an insect
Exoteric: freely dispersed; comprehensible to or suited to the public; popular; external
Expatiate: to speak or write at length or in considerable detail; expound, elaborate
Expectorate: to eject from the mouth, spit; to spit phlegm; to summon phlegm and expel it
Expostulate: to reason earnestly with someone to dissuade or correct, remonstrate
Expulsion: act of expelling or state of being expelled; act of being forced or driven out
Expunge: to strike out, obliterate, or to mark for deletion
Expurgate: cleanse of something morally harmful, offensive or erroneous
Exsanguinate: to drain of blood; to be drained of blood
Extinguish: to quench; snuff out, put an end to; kill; to put out a fire or flame; destroy
Extrapolate: to infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information
Extricate: to release from an entanglement or difficulty; disengage; unravel
Exuviate: to shed a shell, molt, unsheathe
Eyethurl: window, aperture or hole to be viewed through with the eyes
Facsimile: copy or reproduction of an item, typically a book
Fainéant: sluggard; do-nothing, ne’er-do-well; idle and ineffectual
Falciform: curved; convex; sickle-shaped, drepaniform
Famulus: a sorcerer’s apprentice or assistant
Fanfaronade: bragging or blustering manner or behavior; fanfare; riotous applause
Farrago: assortment or a medley; a conglomeration; confused mixture, hodgepodge
Fatigue: weariness from work or exertion; military apparel; physical enfeeblement
Feldspar: a specific group of minerals and rocks
Felsenmeer: an assemblage of rock fragments completely mantling the surface of an area
Fiasco: complete and utter failure; failure; disappointment; social gaffe or failure
Fiduciary: of, having to with, or involving a confidence, trust, or trust for another
Fissure: long narrow opening; a crack or cleft; process of splitting or separating; division
Florilegium: a volume or collection of brief extracts or writings; an anthology
Foehn: warm, dry wind descending or blowing down the side of a mountain
Formaldehyde: colorless gaseous or liquid compound, usually used for preservation
Formulaic: being of no special quality or type, average; routine; undistinguished
Foudroyant: dazzling, scintillating; sudden and overwhelming
Foxfire: organic luminescence, especially from certain fungi on decaying wood
Frisson: moment of intense excitement; a shudder; shiver of ecstasy or suspense
Fulcrum: point, structure, or support on which a lever pivots
Fulgurate: to emit flashes of lightning; to dart like lightning; to resemble lightning
Fuliginous: having the color of soot; dark, dusky, charcoal-colored
Fulminate: to issue a thunderous verbal attack or denunciation; to explode; detonate
Fumarole: hole in an area of volcanic activity from which gases and hot smoke escape
Fuselage: central body of an aircraft, to which the wings and tail assembly are attached
Fusillade: salvo; rapid discharge of firearms
Fysigunkus: person devoid of curiosity; insouciant person
Gaffe: clumsy social error; a faux pas; blunder; social miscommunication
Galaxy: collection of stars, gas, and dust bound together by gravity
Galimatias: meaningless talk, gibberish; nonsense
Gallimaufry: jumble, hodgepodge, mélange, imbroglio, farrago, miscellany
Galvanize: to stimulate or shock with an electric current; to arouse to awareness or action
Gambit: opening move, maneuver, stratagem, or ploy, usually one used at an early stage
Garrison: body of troops stationed in a fortified place; permanent military post
Garrulous: given or prone to conversation; loquacious, talkative, predisposed to chatting
Gasconade: extravagant boasting, boastful talk; arrogant self-praise
Gaucherie: awkwardness; inexperience; embarrassments
Gazebo: freestanding, roofed, usually open-sided structure; belvedere
Gelignite: gelatin dynamite with specific components
Gemsbok: large antelope with long, straight horns
Gemutlich: warm and congenial; pleasant or friendly, amicable, convivial
Gendarmerie: French police force; force of gendarmes
Geometry: the pure mathematics of points and lines and curves and surfaces
Germane: fitting; being both pertinent and fitting; relevant and appropriate
Ghyll: ravine; stream; woody or wooden glen; dell
Gigahertz: a unit of frequency equal to one billion cycles per second
Girandole: a mirror having attached candle holders
Glyph: a sigil or specific insignia; a letter of language; an arcane mark
Gnathonic: sycophantic fawning; flattering; deceitfully flattering
Gnomon: indicator provided by the arm whose shadow indicates the time on the sundial
Gnosis: esoteric knowledge of spiritual truth; complex and thinly distributed knowledge
Gobemouche: a silly, gullible, or credulous person; person with a mouth agape
Golgotha: a place of burial; cemetery; catacomb; necropolis
Goliath: person or thing of massive size and/or power; colossus, behemoth
Googolplex: 10 to the power of googol (10 to the hundredth power)
Gossamer: delicate, light, flimsy; transparent and thin, like a spider’s silk
Gravamen: the material, basis, or significant part of a grievance or complaint
Gravitas: substance, weightiness, profundity, high seriousness, dignity
Grazioso: a direction in music, graceful, smooth, or elegant in style
Grenadier: soldier who uses and carries grenades; infantryman; one who throws grenades
Griffonage: cacography, bad penmanship; careless handwriting; crude or illegible scrawl
Grimalkin: cat, especially an old female cat; old woman considered to be ill-tempered
Grimoire: textbook of sorcery and magic; magical or mystical tome; esoteric book
Grimthorpe: to remodel an old building without knowledge or care to retain its previous character
Grobian: a slovenly, crude, and often boorish individual; boor, lout
Guerdon: to reward; a reward, recompense, or payment
Gulag: Russian prison camp for political prisoners; large prison for specific prisoners
Gymnastics: exercises designed to promote and show strength, balance, and agility
Gyrfalcon: a large arctic falcon
Haecceity: property that uniquely identifies an object, compare quiddity
Halberdier: a soldier, guard, or attendant armed with a halberd
Halcyon: legendary kingfisher; tranquil, calm, without strife, serene
Hamulus: a small hook or hook-like process, especially at the end of a bone
Haphazard: aimless, chaotic; typified by lack of order, planning, or by variability
Harbinger: one that indicates or foreshadows what is to come, a forerunner; prophesier
Harlequinade: harlequin’s main piece; comic pranks; lively buffoonery
Harmartia: tragic or fatal flaw; fault; character flaw
Harridan: scolding old woman; nag; nasty, bad-tempered woman
Haruspex: priest who practiced divination through the medium of animal entrails
Hauberk: medieval coat of armor, usually made of chain mail
Hecatomb: large-scale sacrifice or slaughter, massacre; a tribute to the Gods; a large amount
Hegemony: predominant influence; dominance, supremacy, preeminence
Heliocentric: having or relating to the Sun as the center or core
Heliotrope: light purple; type of flower
Helix: a spiral; spiral-shaped object or string
Hendiadys: rhetoric term, ex. grace and favor instead of gracious favor
Heresiarch: leader, founder, or chief advocate of a heresy or heretical movement or sect
Hermeneutics: theory, study, and methodology of interpretation
Hermetic: wholly sealed, chiefly against the entry of air; impervious to outside influence
Heteroscedastic: pertaining to a sequence of random variables
Heterotopia: phil. term, place or space that functions in non-hegemonic conditions
Heuristic: of or relating to trial analysis using self-teaching tactics to better performance
Hiatus: gap or interruption in space, time, or continuity; a break or pause; sabbatical
Hiemal: of, pertaining to, like, or relating to winter
Hieroglyphic: picture writing system; a writing system that uses symbols or pictures
Hierophant: explainer or solver of mysteries or phenomena; expositor
Hirsute: covered with hair hairy, having a large amount of hair or body hair
Hoarfrost: rime; frozen dew that forms a white coating on a surface
Holocaust: great or complete devastation or destruction, especially by fire; sacrifice
Homoeuteleuton: rhetorical term, in which alike words or phrases are used like rhymes
Homogenous: of the same or similar nature or kind; of uniform structure or makeup
Homunculus: diminutive human; small human as a product of alchemical processes
Horologium: an instrument (as a clock) used for measuring time
Horripilation: bristling of the body hair, as from fear or cold; goose bumps
Hubris: excessive pride; overbearing arrogance; blind vanity
Hyacinth: tropical American herb; red, transparent variety of zircon used as a gemstone
Hybrid: word made of parts from different languages; offspring of two different things
Hydralulus: pipe organ using water pressure to maintain the air supply
Hydraulic: of, involving, moved by, or operated by a fluid or liquid; under pressure
Hydroplane: to skim a surface; to skim along on the surface of the water, as in a car
Hyperbole: figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect
Hyperborean: of the far north; very cold, frigid, gelid
Hyphenate: to divide or connect (syllables, word elements, or names) with a hyphen
Hypochondriac: one who believes in or purports exaggerated illnesses; valetudinarian
Hypothesis: proposition set forth as an explanation to specific phenomena; speculation, conjecture
Iambic: consisting of iambs or characterized by their predominance
Iatrogenic: induced by a physician, be it words, therapy, or treatment
Iceberg: large mass of ice floating at sea, usually broken off of a polar glacier
Ichor: fluid that flows like blood in the veins of the gods; any bloodlike fluid
Iconoclast: one who attacks established beliefs, ideals, customs, or institutions; maverick
Icosahedron: a figure or solid geometric shape formed by 20 sides or plane faces
Idiosyncrasy: characteristic, habit, mannerism, etc., that is peculiar to an individual
Imbolc: ancient Celtic festival
Imbroglio: extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation
Immolate: to kill, sacrifice, or destroy, almost always with fire
Immure: to enclose with walls, ensconce
Impecunious: lacking money, having very little or no money; penniless
Impervious: impenetrable; incapable of being affected or harmed; not susceptible
Impetus: a drive or compelling force; motivation; a reason to do something
Implosion: the act of bursting inward; a volatile collapse with violent results
Impluvium: of a Roman house, rectangular pool in an atrium used to gather rain water
Impresario: sponsor who books and stages public attractions; director or manager thereof
Imprimatur: a sign or mark of approval; insignia of approval
Incalescent: becoming hotter or growing more ardent; boiling
Incendiary: causing or capable of causing fire; combustible; inflammatory
Inchoate: in an initial or early stage, incipient; imperfect; partial; unfinished
Incisive: penetrating, clear, and sharp, as in operation or expression
Incognito: with one's identity disguised or concealed; under an assumed name or identity
Incorporeal: ghostly; ethereal; lacking material form or substance, immaterial
Incunabulum: book printed before 1501
Indefatigable: incapable or seemingly incapable of being fatigued; tireless, inexhaustible
Ineluctable: unavoidable; inescapable; inevitable; not to be avoided, changed, or resisted
Inenubilable: incapable of being cleared of clouds; unclear, indistinct, inexplicable
Inferno: hell; place of fiery heat or destruction; place of human suffering, misery, or death
Infinitesimal: so small as to approach zero; immeasurably or incalculably minute
Infinity: quality or condition of being infinite; unbounded space, time, or quantity
Infrastructure: the underlying foundation or basic framework; structural content
Ingravescent: gradually becoming more severe; worsening, usually of a medical condition
Iniquity: violation of right or duty; wicked act, sin; gross immorality or injustice
Inoculate: introduce an idea or view into the mind of, inculcate; inject a serum or vaccine
Insomnia: inability to get ample sleep; difficulty falling or staying asleep; sleeplessness
Intaglio: an engraving or incised figure in stone or other hard material
Integer: any of the natural numbers (positive or negative) or zero
Intelligentsia: the intellectual elite of a society; group of intellectuals; social class thereof
Interrobang: punctuation that is a question mark superimposed onto an exclamation point
Interval: intervening period of time; period of temporary cessation, pause
Intransigent: refusing to conduct a position, usually an extreme one; uncompromising
Inundate: deluge; to fill quickly beyond capacity; to cover with water, drench; overwhelm
Iota: infinitesimal amount, small amount, bit, mote, scintilla
Irascible: marked by ire, a hot temper, and resentful anger
Iscariotic: traitorous, treacherous; given to betrayal; having committed betrayal
Isinglass: thin sheet(s) of translucent mica
Isochronal: uniform in time, having equal duration; recurring at regular intervals
Isosceles: of a triangle, having two equal sides
Isotope: atom whose nucleus contains an abnormal number of neutrons
Isthmus: narrow strip of land connecting two larger masses of land
Jackanapes: impudent person; impertinent person; dislikable person
Jacqueminot: a type of flower, a crimson rose
Jaguar: large, spotted feline mammal of Central and South America
Jettatura: power of the “evil eye”; the “evil eye”; harsh stare used by superstitious people
Jettison: to cast off a ship or overboard; to remove something extraneous; omit or forgo
Jocular: characterized by joking, kidding, or facetiousness; given to joking
Jonquil: widely cultivated ornamental plant
Juxtapose: to place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast
Kabuki: highly-stylized, classical Japanese dance-drama
Kairos: opportune time and/or place; the right time to say or do the right or crucial thing
Kakistocracy: government lead by unscrupulous, unsuitable, or unqualified people
Kaleidoscope: optical item that utilizes mirrors to create interior symmetrical visions
Kamikaze: sacrificial action or attack; attack or action requiring suicide to execute
Katabatic: of or relating to the downward motion of air
Katzenjammer: loud, harsh noise; a hangover; state of depression or bewilderment
Katzenklavier: “cat piano”, a specific hypothetical instrument using cats meows to create music
Ken: range of knowledge or perception; range of vision or sight; consciousness
Kinetic: relating to the motion of matter and the forces and energy associated therewith
Kiosk: small structure, often open on one or more sides, used as a newsstand or booth
Kismet: fate, fortune, chance; faith in such things
Kitsch: something of tawdry design or content created to have popular appeal; camp
Knickknackatory: a collection or arrangement of knickknacks
Kvetch: to complain persistently and whiningly; chronic, whining complainer; whiner
Labyrinth: maze; puzzlingly complex or circuitous plan
Lacerate: to cut or tear irregularly; to distress, mangle, or slash
Lachrymose: dolorous, showing sorrow; crying, weeping; bleary, tearful
Laconic: brief in speech; matter-of-fact; terse, using few words
Lacquer: varnish that dries via evaporation
Lacuna: omission or empty space; gap in chronology
Lacustrine: of or having to do with a lake or lakes; found or formed in lakes
Lagniappe: gift for extended patronage; gift or compensation for valued customers
Lamprey: eel-shaped fish with a sucking mouth
Laodicean: indifferent or lukewarm in politics and or religion
Lapis Lazuli: a gemstone of intense blue
Larmoyant: lachrymose; given to tears or weeping; tearful, crying
Latitudinarian: holding, having, or expressing broad or tolerant views
Lavadero: a laundry room; a place designated for washing gold
Legerdemain: sleight of hand; show of skill or deceitful cleverness
Leitmotif: musical passage associated to a specific situation, character, or idea
Lemniscate: the infinity symbol; any figure-eight symbol
Lethargy: the quality or state of being lazy or indifferent; lassitude, apathy; ennui
Lethologica: inability to remember a word or put your finger on the right word
Leveret: baby rabbit, a young rabbit
Leviathan: very large animal, especially a whale; something of unusually large size
Lexicon: wordbook or dictionary; vocabulary of a language
Lexiphanes: pretentious word user; bombastic or magniloquent person
Limbo: region on the border of hell or heaven; a condition of oblivion or neglect
Lithium: silvery, soft, highly-reactive metal
Lithosphere: outermost shell of a planet; the crust and uppermost mantle
Litterateur: literary-minded person; one devoted to the study or writing of literature
Lixiviation: act of separating the soluble from the insoluble substances via water or a solvent
Logocracy: governmental system in which words are the ruling power
Logodaedalus: someone skilled in the employment or manipulation of words
Logolepsy: the obsession or an obsession with words, what they mean, or the words themselves
Logomachy: dispute about words; battle of words, war of words
Logorrhea: excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness; loquacity
Longueur: long and tedious passage in a work of literature, music, or performing art
Lothario: man who seduces women; incubus; rake, roué
Lucifugous: avoiding, evading, disliking, or fleeing from light or light sources
Lucubration: laborious study or meditation; writing produced by laborious effort or study
Luddite: person who fears or loathes technology; person opposed to technology
Lugubrious: gloomy or dismal, especially exaggerated
Macabre: gruesome; disturbing or horrifying due to concern with death and/or injury
Macedoiné: mixture of diced fruits and vegetables; medley, mixture
Machiavellian: suggestive of or characterized by expediency, deceit, and cunning
Machination: intrigue, crafty and involved plot to achieve typically sinister ends
Macrocosm: the entire world; the universe; any large-scale system
Maelstrom: very powerful whirlpool; large, swirling body of water; a turbulent situation
Mafufunyana: disorder or mental affliction; evil spirits; evil spirits causing illness
Magisterial: of, relating to, or having the features of a master or teacher; authoritative
Magnanimous: noble in mind and heart; generous in forgiving; selfless
Magnesium: light, silvery-white, moderately hard metallic element
Magniloquent: lofty and profuse in speech; grandiloquent; pompous in speech; bombastic
Malaise: bodily weakness; nondescript illness; vague feeling of discomfort
Malapropos: out of place; inappropriate; in an inopportune or inappropriate manner
Malcontent: dissatisfied with existing conditions; a chronically dissatisfied person
Malfeasance: misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official
Malison: curse, malediction, execration
Mammon: pelf, greed; wealth as a device of evil or false object of worship and devotion
Manifesto: announcement of intentions, opinions, or motives, usually of a political nature
Manifold: many and varied; of many kinds; multiple; having many features or forms
Manuscript: form of a literary work submitted for publication, especially handwritten
Maquette: scale model of a large item, usually of a house
Mar: to inflict damage; to impair the soundness, perfection, or integrity of something; spoil, besmirch, sully
Maraschino: cordial made from the fermented juice of the marasca cherry
Marasmus: a type of protein deficiency; state of emaciation
Marginalia: notes in the margin or margins of a book
Marionette: a puppet bound by strings and controlled with wooden bars
Marzurka: Polish dance resembling the polka, frequently adopted as a ballet form
Masquerade: festive gathering characterized by participants wearing masks
Matriculate: to become admitted to membership in a body, society, or institution
Matrix: situation within which something else originates, develops, or is contained
Matutinal: of, relating to, or occurring in the morning; early
Maudlin: tearfully or weakly emotional; effusively sentimental
Maugre: in spite of; notwithstanding
Mausoleum: large, stately tomb or building housing several tombs
Maximum: greatest possible amount; greatest value of function
Megalith: very large stone used in various prehistoric architectures or monumental styles
Megalomania: mental condition typified by delusions of wealth, power, or omnipotence
Megrim: caprice or fancy; depression or unhappiness; melancholy; migraine; vertigo
Melancholia: depression, severe depression; gloominess
Memorabilia: pl. things remarkable and worthy of remembrance or record
Menagerie: collection of animals in cages or enclosures, zoo; diverse hodgepodge; gallery
Mendicant: beggar; depending on alms for a living; practicing begging
Mephistophelian: of or relating to Mephistopheles; fiendish, diabolical, malevolent; crafty, cunning
Mephitic: poisonous, toxic, noxious; lethally dangerous; insidious; putrid
Mercenary: motivated solely by a desire for money or material gain; hired gun
Mercurial: fickle; erratic; ingenious; changeable; eloquent
Meretricious: drawing attention in a vulgar manner; gaudy, tawdry, superficially attractive
Meridian: of, pertaining to, or at noon; imaginary line that extends from the North to South poles
Mermithergate: ant that has a changed appearance as a result of a nematode infection
Mestizo: a person of mixed racial ancestry
Metabolism: processes occurring in an organism that are needed for the upkeep of life
Metalloid: element that has both metallic and nonmetallic properties
Metallurgical: of, pertaining to, or relating to metallurgy
Metamorphosis: transformation, as by magic or sorcery; drastic physical or mental change
Metempsychosis: reincarnation’ transmigration of souls
Metheglin: type of mead, alcoholic liquor made of fermented honey
Mezzanine: partial story between two main stories of a building; lowest balcony of theater
Miasma: atmosphere of disease; fine mist of effluvium or bacteria; noxious emanation
Microscopic: so small as to be invisible or indistinct without the use of the microscope
Millennium: one thousand years; period of a thousand years
Mimesis: imitation or representation of the world, mostly in literature and art; mimicry
Miniscule: very small; diminutive, when compared to a normal counterpart
Misanthropy: hatred, faithlessness, or mistrust of humankind
Misericordia: amercement (law); thin-bladed dagger; luxury given to a member of a sect
Misnomer: an incorrect designation, term, or nomenclature
Mistigris: a joker or blank card that the holder can play as any card; wild card in a game
Mitochondrion: organelle in the cytoplasm of cells that functions in energy production
Mitrailleuse: a machine gun; a type of rudimentary machine gun
Mnemonic: relating to, assisting, or intended to assist the memory
Modicum: small, moderate, or token amount; a limited quantity or amount; small portion
Molecular: of, relating to, produced by, or consisting of molecules
Monocoque: object or method that braces by using the exterior, instead of an inner frame
Morass: area of low-lying, soggy ground; something that hinders, engulfs, or overwhelms
Moratorium: suspension of activity; period of time during when something is not allowed
Morceau: a small literary or musical composition
Moribund: approaching death; about to die; on the verge of becoming obsolete
Mormorando: musical direction, murmuring or with a murmuring sound
Mosaic: artwork, picture, or design made by setting small colored pieces into a surface
Mountebank: charlatan, quack; peddler of swindle and kitsch made to pilfer money
Muzjik: Russian peasant; peasant, gypsy, pauper
Myopic: nearsighted; unable or unwilling to act wisely; lacking tolerance or insight
Myriad: multitude, litany; an amount of something, usually large; collection in large numbers
Myrmidon: loyal follower; subordinate who executes orders unquestioningly
Myrrh: fragrant resin gum from a type of tree, used chiefly for perfume
Mystagouge: a person who interprets mysteries and mysticism or initiates others into them
Mystique: the special, esoteric skill or mysterious faculty essential in a calling or activity
Mythologem: recurrent pattern, event, or theme in myths, such as revenge or self-sacrifice
Mythopoeic: pertaining to the making of myths
Nacreous: iridescent or pearly, like mother-of-pearl or nacre
Nadir: the absolute lowest point; opposite of the zenith or apogee; lowest point
Naïveté: inexperience; quality of being naïve; artlessness
Naos: an ancient, classical temple; inner portion of a Greek temple
Narthex: enclosed passage between the main entrance and the nave of a church
Nautilus: cephalopod mollusk, usually fossilized
Nebulae: pl. collection of astral gases
Necromancy: the art or practice of magically conjuring up the souls of the dead
Necropolis: cemetery, especially a large and elaborate one belonging to an ancient city
Nenuphar: a water lily, especially an Egyptian lotus
Neophyte: a newly ordained priest; a beginner or novice; a recent convert to an organization
Nepenthe: drug of forgetfulness; anti-depression drug; remedy for sorrow
Nepheliad: cloud nymph; nymph designated or of the clouds
Nephritic: of, relating to, or like a kidney or the kidneys; renal; of or having nephritis
Nephrolith: a kidney stone; stone lodged in a kidney
Nepotism: bias shown to relatives (e.g. hiring them based on the connection instead of merits)
Neutralize: to make neutral, counterbalance or counteract the effect of; render ineffective
Nexus: means of union; the link of a connected series or group; the core or center, as of a matter
Nihilism: phil. term, total and absolute destructiveness or destruction, lack of belief in anything
Nimbus: dark, grey cloud bearing rain; splendid atmosphere or aura; cloudy radiance
Nimiety: excess, overabundance, superfluity
Niveous: snowy or resembling snow; like, of, relating to, or made of snow
Noctilucence: cloud phenomenon typified by brightness or emitting light at night; visible or glowing at night
Nocturne: work of art or piece of music dealing with or evocative of evening or night
Noetic: of, relating to, requiring, based in, originating in, or apprehended by the intellect
Nosism: the use of “we” in speaking of oneself; the act of speaking of oneself as multiples
Nostalgia: bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past
Noumenal: regarding a thing that can be thought of, but not perceived in experience
Novitiate: novice, neophyte; the living place of a novice; the state of being a novice
Noyade: destruction or execution by drowning; a murder by drowning
Nuclear: deriving destructive energy from the release of atomic energy
Nucleus: central part about which other parts are grouped or gathered; core, nexus; plexus
Nugatory: having little or no consequence; worthless, trivial, insignificant
Nullibicity: state of non-existence; quality or state of being nowhere
Nullifidian: a person having no faith, religion, convictions, or beliefs
Numeral: symbol used to represent, denote, or symbolize a number
Numina: pl. presiding divinity or spirits of a place or places; creative energies; collective genius
Numismatics: study or collection or currency, coins, paper money, etc
Oasis: fertile, vibrant, or green spot in a desert or wasteland
Obdurate: hardened in misconduct or iniquity; stubbornly defiant; deep and unrelenting
Obelisk: tall, four-sided stone pillar, tapered and monolithic, that rises to a pointed top
Obfuscate: to cloud over, obscure, make dark or unclear, to muddle, confuse, bewilder
Objet d’art: an object of art; valuable or highly artistic piece or work
Obliterate: to do away with completely so as to leave no trace; to erase
Oblivion: condition or quality of being completely forgotten; void; forgetfulness
Obloquy: abusively detractive language or utterance; calumny, censure, harsh criticism
Obsequious: fawning, sycophantic, servile
Obtenebrate: to darken as if by shadowing; to darken; to make dark or evil
Ocarina: a simple wind instrument or toy having a mouthpiece and finger holes
Octothorpe: the symbol (#), also known as the crosshatch, hash, or numeral sign
Ocular: of, pertaining to, or for the eyes; of the nature of an eye; optic
Oculus: an architectural part resembling or suggestive of an eye or eyes
Odalisque: female servant; a female servant in a harem
Odium: disgrace from a hateful action; enmity, strong dislike; contempt
Odyssey: a long wandering or series of adventurous journeys; long and perilous trek
Oeillade: an amorous glance; ogle
Ogygian: ancient, primeval; antediluvian, antiquated, very old
Olfactory: of, relating to, or connected with the sense of smell (human or otherwise)
Oligarchy: political system governed by a few people, compare democracy
Olio: mixture, medley; hodgepodge, jumble; meat and vegetable stew
Omnibus: of, regarding, or giving many things or classes; having or including many items
Omniligent: reading or having read everything; characterized by encyclopedic reading
Omniscient: having total knowledge; knowing everything; having infinite wisdom
Omphaloskepsis: contemplation of one's navel as an aid to meditation; navel-gazing
Onanism: masturbation; the act of masturbation; coitus interruptus
Oneiric: of, relating to, or suggestive of dreams
Oneiromancy: practice of divination through the interpretation of dreams
Oneironaut: person who explores dream worlds, usually associated with lucid dreaming
Opacity: opaqueness; obscurity; impenetrability
Operose: laborious; done with or requiring much toil; very busy; industrious
Ophidian: snake-like; similar to, shaped like, or relating to snakes
Ophyron: the space between a human’s eyebrows
Opprobrium: harsh criticism; censure, obloquy; disgrace due to poor social conduct
Opsimath: a person who learns or begins to learn late in life
Opusculum: minor work of literature
Orbicular: circular or spherical; of, like, relating to, or resembling a sphere or orb
Orexis: the feeling and striving aspect of the mind as contrasted with the intellectual
Orismology: the science of defining technical terms and making those terms
Orison: prayer; benediction; blessing; invocation; supplication
Ornithopter: aircraft-shaped machine that is held aloft and propelled by wing movements
Orphean: pertaining to immense musical talent; extreme bravery; involving strong drama and pathos
Orrery: device that shows the relative positions and motions of the planets and moons
Osmosis: diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane
Ossuary: place, container, or receptacle for holding the bones of the dead
Ostensible: apparent, evident, or conspicuous; being such in appearance
Ostracize: to banish; expel from a community or group; excommunicate; to make a pariah of
Otiose: indolent, lazy; serving no useful purpose; futile; being a leisure
Oubliette: dungeon with the only opening at the top
Oultrepreu: very brave; having extreme or a dangerous level of valor
Ouroboros: a circular symbol of a snake or dragon eating its own tail, representing infinity or wholeness
Outrecuidant: arrogant, cocksure; self-assertive
Overzealous: excessively enthusiastic; fanatic; overly passionate
Ovoviviparous: producing eggs that do not require nourishment from the mother
Oxydactyl: having slender, tapered digits or fingers
Oxylophyte: plant that thrives in or is restricted to acidic soil
Oyez: “yes”, “hear, hear”, usually used thrice in a row, to conduct the opening of a court of law
Ozymandian: typified by great hubris or greed met with tragic destruction through vanity
Pabulum: material for intellectual sustenance; food, aliment, nourishment
Pagination: system by which pages are numbered; arrangement of pages in a book
Palanquin: a covered sedan chair, carried on poles on the shoulders of four or more bearers
Palaver: conference or discussion; idle chat; chat with flattery of cajolery involved
Palimpsest: erased parchment, which is then reused; manuscript written over earlier ones
Palingenesis: metempsychosis; doctrine of transmigration of souls
Panacea: a cure-all; medicine, herb, or concoction designed or functioning as a cure-all
Panchreston: widely inclusive, often formulaic thesis planned to cover all areas of a topic
Pandemic: widespread, general epidemic that affects a large area and population
Pandiculation: the act of stretching and yawning, especially upon waking; yawning
Panjandrum: important or self-important person; self-important, pompous official
Panoply: a full collection or array; full set of armor
Panopticon: prison designed so that the overseer can see all of the prisoners at all times
Panoramic: unbroken view of an entire surrounding area; inclusive presentation; survey
Pantomime: communication through gestures and facial movements
Papyrus: tall, aquatic plant; paper made from the papyrus plant
Paradigm: clearly defined archetype; typical example or pattern of something
Paradox: seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement that is or may be true; enigma
Paragon: model of excellence or perfection of a kind; a peerless example
Parallax: apparent dislocation of an object seen from two points not perceived as the same
Paralysis: loss or impairment of the ability to move a body part; inability to move
Parameter: factor that determines a range of variations; a boundary
Paramour: lover, especially one in an adulterous relationship; lover; an illicit lover
Paranoia: psychological disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur
Parapet: low protective wall or railing along the edge of a raised structure
Parapraxis: minor error; Freudian slip; slip of the tongue
Parazonium: a long, triangular dagger, wide at the hilt end and coming to a point
Pariah: a social outcast; person that is despised or avoided; one who is rejected by others
Parochial: narrowly restricted in scope or outlook; provincial; pertaining to a parish; myopic
Paronomasia: a pun; word play; punning; reciting or devising puns
Paroxysm: a sudden attack, convulsion, or seizure, of an emotional or medical nature
Parvenu: noveau-riche; person raised to new status, but lacks the dignity associated with it
Pasquinade: public farce, satire, or lampoon
Pastiche: literary patchwork; hodgepodge; collision of genres used to create a new item; collage
Patina: natural tarnish from wear of usage and passage of time; verdigris
Patois: dialect other than the usual or literary dialect; uneducated or provincial language
Patzer: an amateur or inferior chess player
Pauldron: either of two metal plates worn with a suit of armor to protect the shoulders
Peccadillo: insignificant sin or wrongdoing; trifling fault or minor flaw
Peccavi: admission of guilt or confession
Pellucid: translucently clear; limpid; lucid; transparently shimmering
Peloton: main body of riders in a bicycle race
Pendulum: body suspended from support so it swings freely under the influence of gravity
Penultimate: next to the last in a series; relating to a penult; pertaining to the penultimate
Penumbra: partial shadow; space of partial illumination
Peradventure: mayhaps; it may be; maybe; possibly; perhaps
Percolate: to filter; to cause to filter; to cause to pass through pores or small holes
Peregrination: course of travel; journey; extensive voyage, especially on foot
Perfervid: intense and impassioned; motivated by personal passion
Perfidy: treachery; deliberate breach of faith; calculated violation of trust; betrayal
Perforate: to pierce, punch, or bore a hole or holes in; stab through, penetrate
Perfunctory: done routinely and with little interest or care; lacking in enthusiasm
Pergelisol: permanently or perennially frozen ground; permafrost
Pergola: framework that supports climbing plants; arbor
Periapt: charm worn as superstitious protection against mischief, evil, and disease; amulet
Periphery: line that forms the boundary; limited circumference of sight; perimeter
Permeate: to pervade; to spread or flow throughout; to diffuse through
Permutation: complete change; a transformation; act of altering a set of objects in a group
Pernicious: ruinous; tending to cause serious injury; deadly, lethal; causing great harm
Perpetuity: the quality or condition of being perpetual, ceaseless, or continual
Perplex: to cause to be puzzled over what is not understood or certain; confuse mentally
Persiflage: frivolous, bantering talk; bantering talk with derisive treatment of a subject
Perspicacious: having keen mental perception and insight; discerning; keen-sighted
Perspicuous: easily understood; lucid; well-stated; transparently clear; understandable
Perturb: to disturb in mind or make uneasy; to cause to be worried or alarmed
Petard: explosive device used in warfare to breach a wall; kind of firecracker
Petrichor: scent of rain on soil, dirt, or in the atmosphere after a period of dryness
Phaeochrous: dusky, shady; subfusc; overcast; obscure
Phalanx: bone of a finger; compact or close-knit body of people; military squadron
Phantasmagoria: shifting series of phantasms, illusions, or deceptive images
Philanthropy: the effort or drive to further the well-being of humankind; generosity
Phlox: genus of American herbs
Phoenix: mythical bird of fire which rises from its ashes in a cycle of rebirth
Photon: physics term, a quantum of electromagnetic radiation or energy
Phrontistery: athenaeum, establishment for study, thinking, and/or learning
Phthisis: disease characterized by the wasting away or atrophy of the body or a part of it
Phylactery: amulet or charm which protects from harm; receptacle containing a holy relic
Picaroon: a pirate; to act as a pirate; a pirate ship; one who lives by his wits; rouge
Picayune: of little value; paltry, measly, meager; of minimal or low value
Pinnigrade: walking by means of fins or flippers
Piquant: aromatic; appetizing; appealingly provocative; piquing the senses or mind
Pizzicato: music term, played by plucking rather than bowing
Planetesimal: small asteroid which orbited the sun before the solar system was made
Plasma: distinct phase of matter, separate from the traditional solids, liquids, and gases
Plastron: under part of a turtle or tortoise shell; breastplate beneath a coat of chain mail
Plateau: elevated, mostly level expanse of land; relatively stable level, period, or state
Platonic: not involving sexual relations; involving friendship and sexless affection
Plexus: any complex structure containing an intricate network of parts
Pluterperfect: beyond perfect or perfection; more than perfect
Pneumatic: of or relating to air or other gases; propelled or utilized by air pressure
Pococurante: nonchalant, indifferent; lukewarm in opinion; insouciant
Podium: small platform for the conductor of an orchestra, for a public speaker, etc
Pogrom: massacre; organized massacre or persecution of a minority group; genocide
Poignant: profoundly moving; touching; physically or emotionally painful
Polarize: to cause polarization; to divide sharply into opposing factions, groups, etc.
Poltergeist: noisy and mischievous ghost; ghost capable of manipulating physical objects
Poltroon: a base or abject coward; cowardly person
Polyglot: one who speaks multiple languages; containing matter in several languages
Polymath: person of great learning in several fields of study; polyhistor
Polymerization: chemical process that combines several monomers to form a polymer
Poniard: dagger typically having a slender square or triangular blade
Pontificalibus: the vestments and accoutrements of a cardinal or pope
Portcullis: gate of an iron or wooden grating used in the entry to a castle or fortified town
Portico: porch or walkway with a roof supported by columns, often leading into an entrance
Posterity: succeeding or future generations collectively; future generations
Postmortem: of, pertaining to, or occurring in the time following death
Pother: commotion; disturbance; state of nervousness; cloud of smoke or dust that chokes
Pragmatic: practical as opposed to idealistic, artistic, or intellectual
Prestidigitation: act of or skill in performing magic or conjurations; sleight of hand
Prevaricate: to deviate from the truth; speak equivocally or evasively; to lie
Prismatic: refractive light of a spectrum; brilliantly colored
Proaulion: a porch; court before a building; vestibule; portico opening into a main room
Progenitor: direct ancestor; originator of a line of descent; precursor, forefather
Prognosticate: augur, foretell, predict, foresee; to make a prediction about
Prolegomenon: mental training leading to added grasp, growth, or knowledge in a field
Promethean: boldly creative; defiantly original; deviating genius
Promulgate: make known (as a decree or dogma) by open declaration; proclaim
Propaedeutic: needed as preparation for learning, study, or understanding
Propaganda: concepts spread to help or harm a person, group, institution, or nation, etc.
Propinquity: nearness in place; approximate location; proximity; vicinity
Proprioception: the sense of the relative position of neighboring parts of the body
Proscenium: Greek or Roman theater stage; the part of a stage in front of the curtain
Proselytize: to recruit for another religion, faith, or ideal; to convert or cause to convert
Prosthesis: an artificial device made to replace a missing part of the body
Protean: readily taking on varied forms or meanings; showing sizeable variety or diversity
Protuberance: something, such as a bulge, knob, or swelling that protrudes
Providence: divine guidance or care; divine foresight
Prurient: having, relating to, or typified by lascivious or lustful thoughts or desires
Pseudomartyr: false, pretended, or affected martyr
Psithurisma: whisper; sound of wind through the trees; sound of wind-rustled leaves
Psyche: the mind or self as a functional entity; center of thought, feeling, and motivation
Psychosomatic: regarding a malady having bodily effects but comes from mental disarray
Pterodactyl: flying dinosaur of a mostly tailless variety
Puerile: jejune; naïve; belonging to childhood; juvenile, immature, childish
Puissant: powerful, mighty, doughty, strong, potent; forceful, forcible
Pulchritude: attractiveness; great physical beauty and appeal; gorgeousness
Pulverize: to pound, crush, or grind into a powder or dust; to demolish; disintegrate
Pyramid: figure with a polygonal base and triangular facets that meet at a common point
Pyre: heap of combustibles for burning a corpse as a funeral rite; heap of combustibles
Pyrexia: elevation of body temperature to an abnormal level; fever
Pyrotechnics: art of making or using fireworks; the use of fireworks for display purposes
Pyrrhic: of a victory, having high levels of casualties or damage on both sides
Quaalude: tablet or capsule of methaqualone
Quaff: to drink, imbibe; to drink heartily
Quagmire: fen, bog, swamp; difficult or precarious situation, predicament
Quandary: state of uncertainty or perplexity, predicament, dilemma
Quantum: quantity or amount; a large quantity or bulk; specific amount; small amount
Quaquaversal: directed outward from a common center to all points; omnidirectional
Quarantine: period of isolation or detention; strict isolation
Quarkonium: physics term, flavorless meson whose makeup are a quark and its antiquark
Quartz: common, gemstone-like material characterized by translucence
Quasar: astronomical object that emits massive amounts of electromagnetic radiation
Quasihemidemisemiquaver: a 128th note
Quatorzain: a poem of 14 lines resembling a sonnet but lacking the rhyming or structure
Quercitron: type of tree, a type of tree bark used in tanning and dyeing
Quicquidlibet: whatever one pleases; anything whatsoever; typified by absolute volition
Quiddity: the real nature of a thing; the essence; quibble; eccentricity; trifling quirk
Quidnunc: one who is curious and given to speculating, especially about trivial things; gossiper
Quietus: finishing stroke; anything that effectually ends or settles; death; end
Quincunx: display of five objects with one at each corner of a square and one at the center
Quinquevir: one of five officials appointed for some special object, council, or purpose
Quintessence: fifth element; perfect embodiment
Quisby: idler; one who doesn’t work; ne’er-do-well; impecunious; odd, queer
Quisquose: something which is difficult to deal with
Quixotic: foolishly impractical, especially in the pursuit of ideals; excessively romantic
Quoddamodotative: existing or behaving in a certain manner
Quodlibet: subtle, debatable, or elaborate argument or point, usually on a formal position
Quomodocunquize: to make or attempt to make money in any way possible
Quotidian: mundane; occurring every day, daily
Quoz: absurd, weird, queer; absurd person; weird object; hard to quantify
Raconteur: one who tells stories and anecdotes with skill, brio, and wit; skilled storyteller
Radii: pl. the radius of a circle/sphere is any line segment from its center to its perimeter
Ragnarok: the “Twilight of the Gods”; destruction of the world; great devastation
Rapport: relation or connection, especially an agreeable or sympathetic one; mutual affinity
Rariora: pl. unusual collector’s items; outstanding items; prize pieces
Rastaquouere: social climber; social upstart; man of finished and polished manners
Ratiocination: conclusion; process of logical reasoning or exact thinking; reasoning
Recalcitrant: reluctant; difficult to manage or operate; not responsive to treatment; unruly
Recherché: elegant; refined or tasteful, sophisticated
Recidivism: act of repeating punished act; chronic tendency to repeat crimes
Reciprocity: the quality or state of requiting; mutual dependence
Recondite: esoteric; difficult to understand or beyond the reach of normal comprehension
Rectrix: a large tail feather of a bird, important for controlling the direction of flight
Recumbentibus: knockout punch, either verbal or physical; lethal bludgeon; powerful hit
Redivivus: revived, resurrected; come back to life; resuscitated
Redolent: piquant, aromatic, or memory-invoking
Regalia: the emblems and symbols of royalty, such as the crown and scepter; jewelry
Regicide: the killing of a king; the act of killing a king
Regimen: a systematic plan designed to improve and maintain health
Relinquish: voluntarily cease to keep or claim; surrender
Reliquary: receptacle, such as a coffer or shrine, for keeping or displaying sacred relics
Rendezvous: meeting at a given time and place; to go to or arrive at a meeting place
Renegade: one who rejects a cause or ideology for another; deserter; outlaw; rebel
Repartee: swift, witty reply; conversation marked by the exchange of witty retorts
Replica: copy or reproduction of a work of art, especially one made by the original artist
Repudiate: to reject the validity or authority of; refuse to accept or be associated with
Requiem: mass for a deceased person; song for the deceased; solemn chant; dirge
Requiescat: prayer for the repose of the soul of the dead or a dead person
Reredos: back of a hearth of a fireplace; ornate screen on the wall at the back of an altar
Resplendent: sublime; full of color; dazzling; splendid
Resurrect: to raise from the dead; restore to life, revive; bring back from the cusp of death
Retrogress: to regress; to get worse or fall back to a previous condition
Revenant: specter, ghost; one who returns after a long absence
Reverie: an idle daydream; a thought of idle desire; a surrendering to imagination
Rhapsody: impassioned, inspired, or vibrant literature or music
Rhetoric: art or study of using cogent and effective speech, skill in the usage of language
Rhizome: fleshy, creeping underground stem by which certain plants propagate
Rhododendron: ornamental evergreen shrub
Rigmarole: complex protocol or procedure; confused, rambling, or incoherent discourse
Rime: white ice that forms when water droplets freeze to the outer surfaces of objects
Riparian: of, on, or relating to the banks of a natural course of water, stream, or river
Riposte: quick thrust used after parrying a lunge; reactive action, maneuver, or retort
Risorgimento: a time of renewal or renaissance; revival
Rixatrix: scolding or quarrelsome woman
Rodomontade: pretentious boasting or bragging; bluster, ranting, vain speech
Rorqual: genus of whales; type of whale
Roseate: rose-colored, rosy; optimistic, cheerful and bright; promising
Rostrum: dais, pulpit, podium, or other elevated platform for public speaking
Rubicon: point of no return; limit which, when reached, requires absolute commitment
Rubicund: ruddy, reddish; inclined to a healthy rosiness; having a ruddy complexion
Rupestrian: of or composed of rock; sculpted with or by rock
Sabbatical: extended period of leave, typically a year or semester
Saboteur: person who commits or practices sabotage; deliberate damager of something
Saccade: any of the rapid jumps the eyes make from fixed points to others, as in reading
Sacrosanct: regarded as sacred and inviolable; immune to criticism or violation
Salmagundi: mixture or assortment; potpourri; medley
Salubrious: health-giving; healthy; healthful; relating to good health
Samhain: Celtic harvest festival which served as the foothold for Halloween
Samovar: metal urn with a spigot at the base, teapot
Samsara: in Hinduism and Buddhism, the eternal cycle of birth, suffering, death, and rebirth
Samurai: member of hereditary warrior class in feudal Japan; warrior of the Bushido
Sanctity: holiness of life or character; saintliness; condition of being considered sacred
Sangfroid: composure or coolness as shown in danger; imperturbability
Sardonyx: type of stone (onyx) with sandy bands
Satellite: celestial body that orbits a planet, a moon; object designed to orbit a planet
Saturnalian: of unrestrained and intemperate jollity; riotously merry; dissolute
Satyriasis: excessive, often uncontrollable sexual desire in a man, compare nymphomania
Sawbones: physician, especially a surgeon
Scabbard: theca; leather or metal sheath used to store a blade or cutting weapon
Scacchic: of, pertaining to, or related to chess or the playing of chess
Schadenfreude: satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune; sadism
Schism: separation or division into factions; discord; disunion
Schizoid: of or relating to or characteristic of schizophrenia or the effects thereof
Scholium: marginal annotation or comment; annotation; note in an appendix
Schwerpunkt: application of decisive force at or on a critical point
Scialytic: dispersing shadows, typically by using light
Scintilla: an infinitesimal item or mote
Scoliosis: abnormal lateral curvature of the spine; affliction thereof
Scramasax: long and heavy knife used by the Franks, having a blade often 20 inches long
Scrivener: transcriber; professional or public copyist or writer; scribe; notary public
Scythestone: stone for sharpening scythes; a whetstone
Sedition: revolt against authority; insurrection; propaganda inciting revolt
Seismic: of, subject to, or caused by an earthquake or earth vibration; earthshaking
Seizure: act, condition, or instance of seizing or being seized; fit; spasm, convulsion
Selcouth: unusual, rare, unique, or strange
Semidiurnal: of, relating to, occurring, or performed during half a day or twice a day
Semiotician: one who studies, applies, or explains the theories of semiotics
Sempiternal: eternal, lasting forever; ceaseless, endless
Seppuku: hara-kiri; ritual suicide by disembowelment formerly practiced by samurai
Sepulcher: a burial vault; receptacle for sacred relics, especially in an altar
Sequester: to relegate to a small space; to cause to withdraw into seclusion
Seraglio: harem; harem house, brothel, living quarters thereof
Seraphim: pl. six-winged angels
Serpentarium: a place where snakes are kept, as for exhibition
Sesquipedalian: having many syllables; long worded; given to or typified by the use of long words
Sestina: poem of six six-line stanzas and a three-line envoy
Sforzando: music, suddenly or strongly accented
Sfumato: definition or form without hasty outline by mild gradation from light to shadow
Shibboleth: word or saying or image used by adherents of a party, sect, or belief
Sidereal: of, related, pertaining to, or determined by the stars or constellations
Silhouette: picture as an outline, often a human profile, filled in by a solid color
Simulacrum: image or representation; false, unreal, or vague simulation or semblance
Sinecure: an easy occupation or one which requires almost no responsibility
Sirocco: hot, humid south or southeast wind of southern Italy
Sisyphean: pertaining to or involving endless labor; pertaining to Sisyphus
Skein: complex tangle; ribbon; length of thread or yarn wound in a loose long coil
Skewer: to stab; to drive a skewer through; a long, sharpened metal or wooden stick
Snickersnee: knife resembling a sword; large knife; the act of fighting with knives
Sobriquet: nickname; moniker; adopted name
Sojourn: brief visit; stopover; jaunt
Solarium: sunroom; room, gallery, or glassed-in porch exposed to the sun
Solecism: an impropriety; nonstandard grammatical construction; violation of etiquette
Solidus: the backslash symbol (\); gold coin of ancient Rome; bezant
Solipsism: philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist
Solivagant: wandering alone or aimlessly; a lone wayfarer or wanderer
Solstice: one of two times in the year when the sun is furthest from the equator
Somnolent: drowsy, sleepy; inducing or tending to induce sleep; soporific
Soporific: inducing or tending to induce sleep; drowsy; substance that induces sleep
Sovereign: monarch or other supreme ruler; chief ruler with supreme power
Spatiotemporal: of, relating to, or existing in both space and time; relating to space-time
Sphragistic: relating to, pertaining to, or of seals and signets
Spoonerism: transposition of sounds of two or more words, especially a ludicrous one
Sprachgefühl: feeling or intuitive grasp for linguistics or language; character of language
Stamina: physical or moral strength to deal with illness, fatigue, or hardship; endurance
Stentorian: powerful in sound; extremely loud; vociferous
Sternocostal: of, relating to, situated between the sternum and ribs, or pertaining to the two together
Stillicide: water falling from the roof of a house or a gutter
Stochastic: typified by conjecture; conjectural; process using a group of random variables
Stratosphere: any great height or degree; upper region of the atmosphere
Stygian: gloomy and dark; infernal, hellish; of or relating to the river Styx
Subfusc: of a dark, dull, or somber color; dingy, drab, dull
Subjugate: enslave; vanquish; bring under domination or control, usually by conquest
Subordinate: secondary; inferior; a person lower in rank; lower in rank or importance
Subterfuge: deceptive stratagem or device; deception via artifice to evade, hide, or escape
Succinct: briefly stated; laconic, terse
Succor: to aid or assist in a time of need; assistance
Surplus: excess; quantity much larger than is needed; superfluity, overage
Surreptitious: stealthy; kept secret; hidden
Susurrus: a whisper; something which resembles a whisper
Swath: width of a scythe-stroke; strips, circles, etc. made by something
Sybarite: person devoted to pleasure and luxury; a voluptuary; hedonist
Sycophant: person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage
Symbiosis: mutual biological synergy between two dissimilar organisms
Symposium: conference for discussion of a particular topic
Symptom: subjective evidence of disease; phenomenon serving as evidence
Synapse: junction or network of nerve impulses
Synchronicity: theory of, coincidence of two or more curiously similar events
Synecdoche: a reference to a part of something as opposed to the whole, e.g. girl as “skirt” ship as “sail”
Syzygy: alignment or unity of specific objects, notably in space or literature
Tableaux: pl. deliberate pictures; arrangements; vivid, graphic descriptions
Tacenda: things to not be mentioned or things to be passed over in silence
Taciturn: reticent, quiet; not talkative; insouciant
Talisman: item marked with magic signs though to confer magical powers or repel evil
Tantamount: equivalent to; equal to; equivalent in value, significance, or effect
Tantivy: sounding like a horse galloping; at full gallop; fast, furious gallop
Tapestry: heavy cloth woven with rich, varicolored designs or scenes, often hung on walls
Tatterdemalion: person wearing ragged or tattered clothing; ragamuffin; ragged, tattered
Tchotchke: knickknack; collectible; trinket, bibelot, bijou
Tectrix: one of the coverts on a bird’s wing
Tedium: quality or condition of being tedious; tediousness or boredom
Telefacsimile: a fax machine; a document sent over a telephone line
Tellurian: terrestrial; inhabiting the earth; pertaining to the earth; earthen
Telos: the end of a goal-oriented process; ultimate goal; philosophical ultimate
Tendril: plant’s tentacle; clasping, twining, and/or slender outgrowth of a vine's stem
Tenebrous: hard to understand; dark and gloomy; without light, shadowy
Tephra: solid matter that is ejected into the air by an erupting volcano, e.g. scoria, dust, and/or ashes
Tergiversate: equivocate; to change one's attitude or opinions rapidly
Termagant: quarrelsome, scolding woman; a shrew, harridan
Terminus: destination; ultimate point; final point in space or time; an end or extremity
Terpsichorean: pertaining, relating to, or referring to dancing or the art thereof
Tessellation: tile pattern without gaps or extraneous spaces; mathematical pattern
Tesserect: four-dimensional equivalent or analogue of a cube
Testament: person’s last will; that which serves as evidence of a specific event or quality
Testatrix: a female testator, a woman writing her last will and testament
Textile: cloth, especially one manufactured by weaving or knitting; a fabric
Thalassocrat: one who has maritime supremacy, of a ruler, expert seaman, or trader
Thaumaturgical: relating to thaumaturgy; magical; supernatural; like magic; illusory
Theca: sheath, scabbard; capsule, covering, case
Theophage: one who eats a god, be it a fraction or the whole, figuratively speaking
Theophany: religious epiphany or appearance of God to a person
Theremin: melodic instrument of the electronic family
Thermonuclear: of, relating to, or derived from fusion of atomic nuclei at high heat
Thionine: artificial red or violet dyestuff, usually for microscopic stains
Thole: to suffer or undergo; to endure; to tolerate; fulcrum for oars on a boat
Threnody: song, hymn, or poem reflecting on mourning or a tribute to the deceased
Thylacine: Extinct Tasmanian Tiger
Thymoleptic: psychologically energizing; drug designed to reverse depression
Tincture: trace or vestige; color or tint; substance that colors, dyes, or stains; infusion
Tintinnabulation: ringing or sounding of bells; the sound of bells
Tourbillion: whirlwind, whirlpool, vortex, tornado
Tourmaline: multifarious gemstone of grossly differing colors
Trajectory: the path of a projectile or other moving body through space; selected course
Transmundane: existing or extending beyond the physical world
Transverse: extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at angles to the long axis
Trapezoid: quadrilateral having two parallel sides
Traumatic: psychologically painful; of, pertaining to, or produced by a trauma or wound
Treatise: formal essay; systematic, usually extensive written discourse on a subject
Trebuchet: medieval catapult for hurling heavy stones or objects
Tregetour: juggler, mummer; conjurer
Tremulous: marked by trembling, quivering, or shaking
Tribulation: great affliction, trial, or distress, suffering; agony; a trying experience
Trillium: type of flower, an ephemeral perennial
Trinity: group consisting of three closely related members; unity of three special objects or people
Triptych: work of art consisting of three pieces acting as one image or set of motifs
Tristiloquy: speech characterized by sadness or gloominess
Triumph: victory, win, or conquest; to prevail; prove superior; exult, cheer over a victory
Triumvirate: group of three men responsible for public administration or civil authority
Trochaic: of, relating to, made up of, or consisting of trochees
Troglodyte: hermit, recluse; person considered to be reclusive, out of date, or brutish
Truculent: vehement; brutal; disposed to fight, pugnacious; expressing bitter opposition
Tryst: an agreement, as between lovers, to meet at a certain time and place; a date; rendezvous
Tsunami: very large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption
Tungsten: rare, metallic element with a bright-gray color and a metallic luster
Tycoon: very wealthy or powerful businessman; a business leader, king, magnate, or mogul
Tzigane: gypsy; Hungarian gypsy
Ubiquitous: being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent
Ultima: last or final syllable; the last person, place, or thing in a series
Ultimatum: serious, final statement of terms made by one party to another
Ultracrepidate: to criticize beyond the sphere of one's knowledge
Ululate: loudly lament; howl or wail, as with grief; yell
Umbrage: offense, affront; the shade beneath a tree; shade; suspicion; reason for doubt
Umquhile: erstwhile, formerly, some time ago, bygone, quondam
Uniaxial: having one, of, relating to, or affecting one axis
Usquebaugh: a type of Scottish whiskey; whiskey
Uxorial: of a wife; relating to, involving, or characteristic of a wife
Vacillate: to waver between actions or decisions; to hesitate
Vacivity: vacuity, emptiness; absence; space with a lack of matter
Vacuum: a space entirely devoid of matter; absence of matter; vacuity
Vale: the world; life; mortal or earthly life
Valetudinarian: sickly or weak person; hypochondriac
Vanguard: foremost leading group in an army; position of forefront of new developments
Vaporize: to turn into vapor, to evaporate; to kill; to vanish; to dissolve solid material
Vaticinate: prophesy, prognosticate, augur, foretell
Vavasor: superior vassal with other vassals beneath
Vehement: zealous, ardent, impassioned; typified by influence of expression or fervor
Vehicular: of, relating to, or intended for vehicles, especially motor vehicles
Velleity: a flimsy wish or desire; a desire of little consequence; a wish of superficiality
Ventriloquist: puppeteer utilizing vocal techniques and manipulations
Veracity: truth; state of being true, trueness
Verdigris: patina formed on copper, brass, or bronze surfaces exposed to the atmosphere
Verecund: bashful, shy, modest, demure
Verisimilitude: the appearance or semblance of truth or reality in a fictional medium
Vermiculate: to adorn or decorate with wavy or winding lines; worm-eaten; sinuous
Vermilion: vivid red to reddish-orange
Vernacular: everyday language spoken by a people as distinguished from the literary
Vertiginous: of, relating to, typified by, or affected with vertigo or dizziness; whirling
Vespertine: crepuscular; pertaining to, of, or related to the evening
Vestibule: a small entryway between the outer door and the interior of a building
Vestigial: of, relating to, or constituting a vestige (trace, mark, or sign left by something)
Vexation: the act of annoying, irritating, or vexing; quality or condition of being vexed
Viaticum: the Eucharist being given along with the anointment of the sick or dying
Vicarious: performed, exercised, received, or suffered in place of another
Viceroy: governor; representative of a sovereign
Vichyssoise: thick type of potato soup
Vicissitudes: changes of circumstances of fortune; the variability that comes with life
Victuals: food to be eaten; provisions; food cache, pabulum, comestibles, nutrients
Videlicet: to wit, that is, namely
Vigesimal: based on, pertaining to, or related to 20
Vignette: a sketch; brief literary or visual event; description
Vindicate: clear from an accusation, imputation, or suspicion; to justify, defend, or avenge
Visceral: pertaining to the viscera; relating to deep feelings and emotions as opposed to the intellect
Viscid: having an adhesive quality; gluey, sticky; thick, like molasses
Vista: view, prospect, perspective; spectrum of peripheral boundaries
Visurient: hungry for visual stimuli; pertaining to the desire evoked from vision
Vitiate: impair; spoil; to the reduce quality of; to make worse
Vitreous: of or resembling glass, as in color, composition, brittleness, or luster; glassy
Vitriolic: filled with bitter criticism or malice; acerbic
Vituperate: to rebuke or criticize harshly or abusively; to berate, scold, or condemn
Vivisection: act of cutting into living animals, especially for the purpose of research
Vivisepulture: the act of being buried alive or burying alive
Vociferous: loud, stentorian; vehement; angrily impassioned
Volksgeist: intellectual, ethical, spiritual, and/or political thoughts of a time; zeitgeist
Voluminous: having great volume; fullness, size, or number; large
Vortex: whirling mass of water or air, especially one in which a force of suction operates
Vraic: kelp, seaweed; collected seaweed to be used as fertilizers
Wagnerian: of, relating to, or characteristic of Richard Wagner, his operas, or his theories
Wanweird: an unhappy fate; the misery of life; a sad fate
Wappenshaw: periodic check-up or review of troops or persons under arms
Warlockry: practice of black magic or conjurations; practice of being a warlock
Wasabi: very pungent green Japanese condiment made from the root of the herb; Wasabi
Wegotism: excessive use of the word “we”; the habit of referring to oneself as “we”
Welkin: the vault of the sky; heavens; celestial abode of the gods
Weltanschauung: inclusive grasp or image of the universe and of humanity's relation to it
Whorl: swirling object; tornado; form that coils or spirals; a curl or swirl
Widdershins: in a contrary or counterclockwise direction; wrong direction; unlucky
Wight: creature; a human being; living being, entity
Witzelsucht: a disorder, excessive facetiousness and inappropriate or pointless humor
Wizen: to dry up; to wither, shrivel, or wrinkle
Woebegone: affected with or marked by deep sorrow, grief, or wretchedness
Wroth: angry, wrathful, furious, irate; full of wrath or rage
Wyvern: type of dragon, typically without legs
Xanthous: yellow; having yellow skin or light brown skin
Xenodochial: friendly or especially kind to strangers or foreigners
Xenoglossy: language learned spontaneously and without prior knowledge
Xenolith: rock fragment foreign to the igneous mass in which it occurs
Xenophobe: person who fears or hates foreigners, strange customs, or strange places
Xertz: to gulp a beverage down enthusiastically, heartily, and/or quickly; to quaff
Xiphoid: shaped like a sword, ensiform; sword-like
Xylem: woody part of plants, the supporting and water-conducting tissue
Xyresic: sharp as a razor, razor-sharp
Xysti: pl. covered portico of a gymnasium
Ycelpt: to call, name; named, called, known as
Yestreen: during last evening; yesterday evening, last evening
Ylem: primordial material which all the elements supposedly have been derived from
Zaftig: of a woman, having a full rounded figure; pleasingly plump, buxom, full-bodied
Zaibatsu: powerful family-controlled commercial combine of Japan; conglomerate
Zeitgeist: spirit of the time; the taste and outlook characteristics of a period or generation
Zelatrix: older nun in charge of disciplining younger nuns; female zelator
Zenith: point on the celestial sphere that is above the observer; highest point; maximum
Zenzizenzizenzic: the eighth power of a number
Zeppelin: large dirigible balloon; rigid airship supported by gas power
Zetetic: proceeding by inquiry; investigating; opening with a question
Zeugma: syllepsis, type of pun, "You held your breath and the door for me"
Ziggurat: temple tower of the ancients; having the form of a terraced pyramid
Zingaro: a gypsy, an Italian gypsy; mendicant, beggar; vagabond
Zitella: maiden, unmarried woman, bachelorette
Zither: a type of instrument, similar to the steel guitar or the dulcimer
Zoanthropy: mental disorder in which one believes oneself to be an animal
Zodiac: region in the heavens on either side to the ecliptic, divided into 12 constellations
Zweihander: large sword designated to be used with two hands
Zygomatic: pertaining to, connecting with, or involving a or the cheekbone
Zyzzyva: a particular type of weevil

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